Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Kiersten's class took a field trip to the King Ranch... at almost 900,000 acres, the largest ranch in the world located near Kingsville, Texas, about 45 minutes from Corpus Christi. This is a shot of the main ranch house. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Kiersten's a little muddy as well! In her race she hit the trail-head in first place, and although challenged the entire race by Megan (who is the national champ in the age-group above Kiersten's) Kiersten held her off for the win! Posted by Picasa

First race of the year at Warda, and first-ever for Kees. It was in the forties and rained the entire time turning the trails into flowing rivers of molasses! How wet was it? Check out his hands! 8-year old Kees raced in the 10&U division and he hole-shotted the start into first place but eventually was passed by the 10-year olds to finish in 4th place. Pretty darn good for his first race and he couldn't stop smiling afterwards! I mean, what kid wouldn't enjoy riding a bike in the mud and not getting in trouble for doing it, LOL! Posted by Picasa