IronDad and IronKids' excellent adventures!
Scroll down to see what adventures we've been up to and what's up next for us here and around the world... watch us "DANCE"! (For now it's mostly photographs because I take lots of them. Keep checking back as I add both old and new to the collection, and be patient because I'm old-school and new to this blogging thing so I make lots of mistakes! Oh... and you can scroll down to the bottom to stop the music video if you wish.)
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Friday, December 23, 2005
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Kiersten was a Velo Bella all the way home! "Thank you's" to Alex (wish I had a pic of the man in the pink boa), Barb, Christine and Melodie for the advice, encouragement and hospitality, to Josh for the cold-weather tips, to Sabine for cheerleading on the course, to Laura for the Jersey and the "flair", and to Barb's cool parents for the cookies, hot-cocoa and good conversation.

The 6'6" twin towers Barry Wicks and Ryan Trebon. They call Ryan "Treefarm" and Kiersten met him a few years ago at a race in Waco. He's one of the nicest guys in cycling: in the middle of a technical switchback climb in a NORBA race, he took his hand off the handlebar to wave to Kiersten and say "Hi!" I don't know about you, but if I was in the middle of a suffer-fest in a pro race I wouldn't waste a precious breath to say "Hi" to anyone!